Wednesday 24 April 2013 | By: Unknown

Reflection Week 4

Date: 16th March, 2013 (Saturday)

Week 4....
Group 1 continued their presentation about blog....."Guys..we've got problem with Drop down Menu"...
Group 1 members teach us again about Drop Down Menu...
Finally, we managed to do well....Alhamdulillah..

Drop Down Menu
The next lesson is how to be a  followers of other bloggers. We must be a follower of our lecturer, Cik Asmayati's blog..and also blogs of our classmates. So, we can exchange idea, shares information with others...

After we've learned the basic of creating a blog, it is our duty to decorate our blog with our own make it more attractive and meaningful...Besides, we need to upload all of our assignments throughout this semester on our blog and write reflections of those lectures...I hope that the information that I've shared in this blog will be meaningful to everyone..

Thank you so much to Group 1 members for their effort to teach us...


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